In Akuko, components are the building blocks of your data storytelling journey. They are the visual and interactive elements that allow you to craft engaging and informative data stories, transforming raw data into meaningful insights. Whether you're creating charts, maps, tables, or other data-driven elements, components empower you to communicate your message effectively.
Overview of Components
Components are the visual representations of your data within your Akuko data stories. Each component serves a specific purpose and can display data in various formats. Whether you want to create informative charts, detailed tables, interactive maps, or any other data visualization, components are your versatile tools for the job.
Component types
Button: Provides clickable buttons and menus that can trigger events or navigate to other Posts.
Chart: Lets you create data visualizations, such as bar charts, column charts, and line charts, to represent data in a graphical format.
Cards: Card components are versatile and can display a variety of components. They are often used for looping through a set of items in a consistent way.
Filter: Enables users to filter data displayed in multiple components simultaneously. Useful for interactive data exploration.
Layout: Defines the structure of your Posts. You can use layouts to arrange other components in a specific format.
Map: Allows you to create interactive maps in your Posts. You can visualize geographical data using Layers.
Number: Displays numeric values and can be linked to data sources for dynamic updates.
Table: Enables you to display tabular data in your Posts. Tables are highly customizable, and you can link them to data sources.
Text: Allows you to add textual content to your Posts. You can format text, add links, and customize styles.
Reference: Create and manage reusable elements across Posts.
Linking components to Sources
One of the key strengths of Akuko is its ability to connect components directly to a data Source. You can seamlessly link components to data in Google Sheets, CSV files, PostgreSQL databases, and more. This integration ensures that your data is always up-to-date and reflects changes made in the source data.
Filters for component interaction
To enhance interactivity and data exploration in your data stories, Akuko provides a powerful filtering mechanism. With Filters, you can link multiple components and control their data based on user interactions. Filters enable dynamic data exploration and allow your audience to focus on the aspects of the data that interest them the most.
Events for custom logic
For advanced customization and interactive storytelling, Events in Akuko let you configure custom logic based on user actions. With Events, you can define actions triggered by events like clicking on a chart element, selecting a map region, or interacting with other components. This advanced feature enables you to create tailored, interactive experiences for your audience.
In this section of the Akuko documentation, we'll explore each component type in detail, providing guidance on how to use them effectively, customize their settings, and create compelling data stories. Whether you're new to data storytelling or an experienced data communicator, these resources will help you unlock the full potential of Akuko's components.
Let's dive into the world of Akuko components and discover how they can elevate your data storytelling.