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Akuko provides versatile data source connections to suit your specific data storytelling needs. Whether you're working with databases, spreadsheets, files, or web services, you can seamlessly integrate your data to craft compelling narratives. In this section, we'll explore the various data source types supported by Akuko.


Akuko uses Cube to simplify and standardize data queries and schema management. See the Cube docs for more about how Cube works.

Supported Data Source Types

Akuko Sources are at the core of your data exploration and visualization experience. Below, you'll find an overview of the supported data source types, each linked to its respective configuration guide:

  • PostgreSQL: Connect to a PostgreSQL database to import, analyze, and visualize your data in real-time.

  • MySQL: Integrate with MySQL servers to seamlessly import, explore, and incorporate your data.

  • CSV: Easily import CSV data, making it simple to work with structured data from spreadsheets and other sources.

  • GeoJSON: Work with geoJSON data to create interactive maps and location-based visualizations.

  • Google Sheets: Leverage Google Sheets' cloud-based functionality by connecting and integrating your data directly into Akuko.

  • Ona Data: Connect to Ona Data for field data collection and management, transforming your field data into engaging data stories.

Exploring Akuko Sources

Akuko Sources offer a range of functionalities, allowing you to tailor your data exploration to your precise requirements. Each Source comprises the following key sections:


  • Source Name: Assign a meaningful name to your Source for easy identification among your connected data sources.

  • Description: Provide a brief description to convey the purpose and context of this Source.

  • Connection Details: Configure connection details specific to your data source, ensuring seamless integration.


Categorical attributes for segmenting and grouping your data.


Quantitative metrics for gaining insights into your data.


Geometries represent spatial data generated from your information, ideal for creating interactive maps and location-based visualizations.


The Cube section exposes the Cube.js syntax associated with this Source, enabling precise data querying and manipulation.


The Query section provides an intuitive user interface for querying, exploring, and validating your data.

Getting Started with Akuko Sources

To begin your data storytelling journey with Akuko Sources, follow the linked guides above to configure, explore, and extract insights from your data effectively.