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In Akuko, Dimensions are the building blocks of your data, allowing you to organize and analyze information effectively. Dimensions represent the various attributes or fields in your data, such as time, location, categories, or any other data point you want to explore in your data stories.

Overview of Dimensions

Dimensions play a crucial role in transforming your raw data into insightful visualizations and stories. By defining dimensions, you provide context and meaning to your data, making it more accessible to your audience. Akuko supports various types of dimensions, including numerical, categorical, date/time, and spatial dimensions.

Creating Dimensions

Creating dimensions in Akuko is a straightforward process:

  1. Access Your Source: Start by logging in to your Akuko account and navigating to the "Sources" section.

  2. Select Your Source: Choose the Source where you want to create dimensions.

  3. Navigate to Dimensions: Inside your Source settings, find the "Dimensions" section.

  4. Add Dimension: Click on the "Add Dimension" or "Create Dimension" button.

  5. Define the Dimension:

    • Name: Give your dimension a descriptive and meaningful name.
    • Data Type: Select the appropriate data type for your dimension, such as Number, Text, Date, or Spatial, depending on the nature of your data.
    • Formula or Calculation: If needed, you can use formulas or calculations to derive values for your dimension.
  6. Save: Click "Save" or "Create" to save your new dimension.

Editing Dimensions

You can edit existing dimensions to refine or modify their properties:

  1. Access Your Source: Navigate to the "Sources" section and select your Source.

  2. Navigate to Dimensions: Inside your Source settings, find the "Dimensions" section.

  3. Edit Dimension: Locate the dimension you want to edit and click on it.

  4. Update Properties: Modify the dimension's name, data type, formula, or any other property as needed.

  5. Save Changes: Click "Save" to apply your changes.

Deleting Dimensions

To remove dimensions that are no longer needed:

  1. Access Your Source: Navigate to the "Sources" section and select your Source.

  2. Navigate to Dimensions: Inside your Source settings, find the "Dimensions" section.

  3. Delete Dimension: Locate the dimension you want to delete, click on it, and choose the "Delete" option.

  4. Confirmation: Confirm the deletion when prompted. Be cautious, as this action is irreversible.

Using Dimensions in Components

Dimensions are used to enrich your data stories by adding context to your components. You can use dimensions in various components, such as Charts, Tables, Maps, and more. When you add dimensions to components, you enable dynamic data exploration and visualization.

Best Practices

  • Meaningful Names: Use descriptive names for dimensions to make your data more understandable.

  • Consistent Data Types: Ensure that the data type of your dimension aligns with the type of data it represents.

  • Calculated Dimensions: Leverage calculated dimensions when you need to derive new insights from your data.

  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically review and update your dimensions to keep them aligned with changing data needs.

  • Data Consistency: Maintain consistency in how dimensions are represented across different data sources and components.

By mastering the use of dimensions in Akuko, you can transform raw data into compelling data stories that engage and inform your audience.