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In Akuko, Measures are the quantitative values you use to analyze and visualize your data effectively. They represent the metrics, calculations, or aggregations that provide valuable insights into your data. Measures are essential for creating meaningful and informative data stories.

Overview of Measures

Measures are the numerical or quantitative aspects of your data that you want to explore and communicate. Whether you're analyzing revenue, sales, population, or any other metric, measures are the foundation of data-driven insights.

Creating Measures

Creating measures in Akuko is a straightforward process:

  1. Access Your Source: Start by logging in to your Akuko account and navigating to the "Sources" section.

  2. Select Your Source: Choose the Source where you want to create measures.

  3. Navigate to Measures: Inside your Source settings, locate the "Measures" section.

  4. Add Measure: Click on the "Add Measure" or "Create Measure" button.

  5. Define the Measure:

    • Name: Provide a clear and meaningful name for your measure.
    • Data Type: Select the appropriate data type for your measure, such as Number, Decimal, or Currency.
    • Formula or Calculation: Specify the formula or calculation that derives the measure value from your data.
  6. Save: Click "Save" or "Create" to save your new measure.

Editing Measures

You can edit existing measures to refine or modify their properties:

  1. Access Your Source: Navigate to the "Sources" section and select your Source.

  2. Navigate to Measures: Inside your Source settings, find the "Measures" section.

  3. Edit Measure: Locate the measure you want to edit and click on it.

  4. Update Properties: Modify the measure's name, data type, formula, or any other property as needed.

  5. Save Changes: Click "Save" to apply your changes.

Deleting Measures

To remove measures that are no longer needed:

  1. Access Your Source: Navigate to the "Sources" section and select your Source.

  2. Navigate to Measures: Inside your Source settings, find the "Measures" section.

  3. Delete Measure: Locate the measure you want to delete, click on it, and choose the "Delete" option.

  4. Confirmation: Confirm the deletion when prompted. Be cautious, as this action is irreversible.

Using Measures in Components

Measures are the quantitative values that give life to your data stories. You can use measures in various components, such as Charts, Tables, Maps, and more. Incorporating measures into components allows you to visualize, analyze, and communicate data-driven insights effectively.

Best Practices

  • Clear Naming: Use descriptive and concise names for measures to enhance data comprehension.

  • Appropriate Data Types: Ensure that the data type of your measure matches the type of data it represents.

  • Calculation Accuracy: Double-check the accuracy of your measure formulas and calculations.

  • Regular Review: Periodically review and update measures to keep them relevant to changing data needs.

  • Consistency: Maintain consistent measure definitions across different data sources and components.

By mastering the use of measures in Akuko, you can elevate your data storytelling, transforming data into actionable insights and engaging narratives.